You can almost hear the roar of pebbles which the waves draw back and fling upon their return. Tim Johnson

Sunday, January 30, 2022

It seems such a constant that we notice it most when it ceases. The wind swirls in from the sea and combs the Vineyard in all seasons. In moderation, it is a friend to all, especially in summer. It thrills the sailor, cools the beachgoer, and frees convivial backyard gatherings of mosquitoes and similar uninvited guests.

When the wind shifts from jollity to anger and heavy snow accompanies it, however, it can do a good deal more than blow a hat across the street. Wind on the water can be a dangerous foe.

Yet again, lest any forget, we are reminded that we live on an Island, and we are the subjects of the air and water around us.

Comments (1)

Richard Martin, Sea Cloud
Thanks for sharing your Great pics
February 5, 2022 - 4:50pm


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