Fledgling Cooper's hawk. Lanny McDowell

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

July is prime season for shorebirds and summer residents. It is also the season for baby birds, and adult birds are busy bringing food to their young. Southbound migrants are also starting to appear.

Keep up to date with the Bird News column, and send bird sightings to birds@mvgazette.com.

Comments (1)

Carol, East Chop
The last couple of summers on East Chop, we have noticed multiple families of turkeys. Some have had as many as 10 baby turkeys. They are closely watched and guided by adult turkeys and they seem to have regular routes through which they travel. I was very surprised last week when I saw a vulture perched on my next door neighbor’s roof and chimney. I took a picture, consulted my bird guide, and sure enough, a turkey vulture! I am wondering if they have always been here and if they are considered common to the Island. (I’d upload the pictures, but I don’t know how in this format!)
July 29, 2023 - 10:29am


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