The new and beautiful steamer Metacomet, which is to ply between this place and Fairhaven, arrived here, on her first trip, Thursday afternoon. As the Metacomet rounded the East Chop, a cannon was fired as a signal of her approach; and as she entered our harbor, a salute of fifty guns, and the hearty cheers of our people, welcomed her arrival among us.

The above paragraph was written one week ago, previous to the arrival of the Metacomet in our waters. We see no occasion to alter a word of it. It gives, in a few words, the whole truth. The Metacomet is a splendid boat, her captain and officers are experienced and gentlemanly men, and all that is now wanting to ensure a safe, speedy, comfortable, and permanent communication with “the rest of mankind,” is for our people to extend a generous encouragement to the new enterprise.

The boat, thus far, has been liberally sustained by all portions of the island.