Today at the Vanderhoop homestead, there will be house tours from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. New exhibits this year include framed David Vanderhoop paintings...
Michael San Soucie In memory of Michael A. San Soucie, who died May 18, 2010, family and friends are invited to gather at Menemsha Harbor Beach...
Bishop Gayle Harris, suffragan bishop of the diocese of Massachusetts, will be the preacher and celebrant at Trinity Episcopal Church on August 19...
Well, the weather bureau reports that July was hottest month on record in the contiguous U.S. since record keeping began in 1895 and you won’t find...
Hacked again! Who would ever say anything bad about my colleague Holly Nadler? It was lovely to have my first phone call this morning be from Holly,...
RICK HERRICK 508-693-8065 ( The Vineyard said goodbye to the Reverend Jim Kidd on Tuesday August 7. A service of...
You won’t have to fight for your life with a bow and arrow, but you can still participate in the Hunger Games. The West Tisbury Library hosts a DVD...
Oak Bluffs has 33 named parks, four Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank properties (Tradewind, Pecoy Point, Southern Woodlands, Farm Pond), three small...
Dean’s List Alexia Schroeder of West Tisbury, Jess Swaringen of Oak Bluffs and James Todd of Oak Bluffs have been named to the dean’s list at...
Al Nugent of Edgartown was one of four member of the Hobart College Sailing team who received a commendation at the college’s annual Block H Awards...
This Sunday, August 19, Union Chapel in Oak Bluffs will have Charles G. Adams of Hartford Memorial Baptist Church in Detroit, Mich., come and...
The Chappy Community Center held its annual meeting last Saturday, August 11, with a large group of subscribers in attendance. I heard a few things...
