This Sunday, August 19, Union Chapel in Oak Bluffs will have Charles G. Adams of Hartford Memorial Baptist Church in Detroit, Mich., come and preach. Until just past July, he was the William and Lucille Nickerson Professor of Ethics and Ministry at Harvard Divinity School.

Born Charles Gilchrist Adams, Dr. Adams is one of the most prominent ministers in the United States. He is an acclaimed preacher and leader on faith-based urban revitalization. Dr. Adams has been pastor of the Hartford Memorial Baptist Church since 1969. From 1962 to 1969, Dr. Adams served as pastor of the historic Concord Baptist Church i n Boston, Massachusetts.

A prolific writer, Dr. Adams has been published locally and nationally in scholarly journals and daily and weekly newspapers. In September of 2002, Westminster John Knox Press published Power in the Pulpit, in which Dr. Adams describes how he prepares, writes and delivers his sermons.

Dr. Adams is married to Agnes Hadley Adams and is the father of Tara Adams Washington, M.D., and the Rev. Charles Christian Adams.

All are welcome to come hear Dr. Adams’s sermon “How God Does Business” and worship with the congregation at the 10 a.m. service. Dr. Adams also brings with him the talented Hartford Male Chorus. Union Chapel is expecting a large turnout, so early arrival for a seat is suggested.