The sun has been out and it makes you feel so revived.
As I start this column, I am sitting and looking at the sun that is ready to go down.
The winds from the weekend have gone and I am thinking I might open the windows for a bit today.
We are still dodging the snow card.
The sun is shining, the birds are singing, you can notice that it is lighter later, and if you are an early riser it is getting lighter earlier.
The motto of New England — "If you don't like the weather, wait a minute" — really lived up to its image.
It is the end of January and this weekend I was out and about with just a sweater on and no jacket hat or gloves.
We are lucky the weather has been warm but some sun to go along with it would be nice.
Well, I finally saw my first snow fall of the year and now I am satisfied.