Come to the fairgrounds for the first farmers’ market of the season on Saturday, June 8, from 9 a.m. until noon.
Do gardeners care if the colors match when planting their flower beds?
“Introduce yourself,” says the editor as I begin my term today writing the West Tisbury column.
The other day in Edgartown I happened upon a school crossing, shortly before three o'clock.
Well, it's here. Summer.
Here's hoping that by the time you read this, these infernal winds will have blown their way out of here.
I believe I might be the only person in town who missed The Wizard of Oz last weekend.
We were away all week wreaking havoc on the mainland, so I missed a couple of important items that were scheduled for last week's column.
Town meeting was still going strong when a swell of semantics, not to mention this column's long-passed deadline, finally washed me out at around 9 p.m.
Along with the daffodils, there are many election posters along our roads in anticipation of next week's town meeting and election.