A proposed nursing home and workforce housing development in Edgartown is nearing the final phase of its review before the Martha's Vineyard Commission.
Martha's Vineyard Hospital wants to solve a space crunch at the main hospital, expand and improve its nursing home service, and add workforce housing to support that service, and it hopes to address all three concerns with one new project.
The Martha’s Vineyard Hospital has announced the addition to its staff of two new primary care physicians, Dr. Zachary L. Gitlin, and Dr. Ruppert A. Hawes.
A shipment of medical supplies is on its way to Ukraine from the Vineyard thanks to a collaboration between the Martha's Vineyard Hospital and a West Tisbury resident with family in the war-torn country.
The Cottagers will hold a sale at Hartford Park in Oak Bluffs on Friday, Aug. 2 for the benefit of the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. Their tables will include gifts, food, white elephants, grabs, hot dogs and tonic. Mrs. John J. Goldsberry is serving as general chairman, Miss Dorothy West, Mrs. Frederick White, Mrs. Wilmer Lucas, and E. W. Finley, who is president of the Cottagers.
There will also be tables in charge of the following: Mrs. David Rappaport, special benefit, a doll; miscellaneous, Mrs. Herbert G. Louis; aprons, Mrs. Anna M. Ryan.
Vineyard boards of health reported 82 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the week ending Christmas Day, a decline from weeks prior. The count still ranks among the highest on Island in 2021.