The Martha’s Vineyard Garden Club opened their Blooming Art Show with a reception on Thursday evening. The event continues through Sunday, June 26 at the Old Mill in West Tisbury.
Thirty artists and thirty members of the Martha’s Vineyard Garden Club are combining their talents to produce a double dose of beauty this weekend. The artists will create paintings while garden club members will create floral arrangements that capture the artist’s work. The result is Bloomin’ Art 2013, an event modeled after the Museum of Fine Art in Boston’s Art in Bloom show, an annual celebration of floral arrangements inspired by the museum’s masterpieces.
In case you’re wondering what flowers and fine art have in common, Martha’s Vineyard Garden Club will enlighten with its Bloomin’ Art exhibit at the Old Mill building in West Tisbury. The event pairs artwork by 30 Vineyard artists with interpretive floral arrangements created by the club members. The art is available for purchase with proceeds funding ongoing projects such as scholarships for Island graduates and the preservation of the Old Mill.
From the Vineyard Gazette edition of May 1948: Martha’s Vineyard, virtually free of billboards and signs for many years, can breathe freely again, since the eagle eye of the Martha’s Vineyard Garden Club, noting encroachments upon the obstructed state of their Island domain, transferred its reproachful gaze to the companies responsible for the erection of new signs in the past year or two. The garden club has conducted an aggressive and successful campaign against roadside signs since its founding.