The Martha's Vineyard Land Bank does not pay property taxes and in fact takes property taxes off the tax roll.
The land bank watched with interest the Island's recent debate and deliberation over the housing bank.
I was raised in the 1950s under the nuclear umbrella.
An open letter to Adam Epstein.
My family and I are finishing up our annual vacation to Martha's Vineyard.
Thanks to the Supreme Court, we now should change the Pledge to the Flag: One nation, under Guns, with liberty and justice . . . not so much.
Editors, Vineyard Gazette:
Oak Bluffs police chief Peter Williamson’s role in the Niantic Park development could have been a story by itself.
This community can agree on one thing: that the future will bring challenges. Success in facing those challenges will require an acknowledgment that we are, in fact, one Island.
I am frankly concerned about what I heard when listening to the discussion at the MVC land use planning committee meeting.