The iconic basketball courts in Oak Bluffs marked half a century of hoops Saturday with a group of elite young players and the legendary Vineyard...
From a single act of philanthropy in 1975 that saved an iconic Edgartown home, the organization now known as the Vineyard Trust has grown into a...
With funding on hold for restoration work at two of its landmark properties and the resignation of its executive director, the Vineyard Trust is...
Over 45 people gathered at the Narragansett House in Oak Bluffs Saturday to celebrate Juneteenth, and its new status as a federal holiday.
Heather Seger will take the helm as the new executive director of the Martha’s Vineyard Museum, it was announced Wednesday. Ms. Seger, who has served...
To celebrate 50 years of Oak Bluffs summer basketball, the league is hosting a dedication and tribute to the league on Saturday, June 26, beginning...
State and local police are investigating discrepancies in public funding requests submitted by the Vineyard Trust for restoration and maintenance...
Public funding for a project to repaint and restore the Old Whaling Church in Edgartown is on hold after the discovery that a work estimate from the...
The Tisbury select board adopted a formal agreement with the Martha’s Vineyard Museum this week to allow for fundraising and other events on the...
The Nameless Trail honors people who were enslaved on the Vineyard and those who escaped with help from Islanders.
Sunday afternoon, the two founders of the African American Heritage Trail of Martha's Vineyard discuss Women Making History online.
The civil rights activist and Washington power broker who died Monday had been a longtime summer visitor to the Vineyard.
