Rez Williams, an acclaimed Island artist known for his large-scale paintings of boats and his devotion to Island conservation, died in Boston on...
The Martha’s Vineyard Rod and Gun Club fly-tying get-togethers resume this winter beginning Tuesday, Feb. 6 at 7 p.m.
A recently released article about the Dukes County Wildfire Protection Plan looks to help people become more familiar with the potential for...
The West Tisbury select board voted to put a non-binding referendum question about the playing field surface at the regional high school on the...
A portable dental service will offer free teeth cleanings to Island adults during select dates in February and April.
Monica Brady-Myerov, a journalist and digital entrepreneur, will take the reins of the media group effective March 11, succeeding Jane Seagrave, who...
Its scientific name is Codium fragile, but for many beachcombers across the Island the invasive macroalgae goes by a more ominous title: dead man’s...
Mark Alan Lovewell received the Dolphin Award at the 62nd annual Catboat Association annual meeting, held in Groton, Conn. last weekend.
Nearly two years after receiving her master’s degree in divinity from the Boston University School of Theology, Rev. Joanne Hus still marvels at the...
We are happy to report that the young black cat Ralphie has found his forever home.
The Coast Guard Auxiliary on Martha's Vineyard has rescheduled its new boating safety class called Suddenly in Command to Saturday, Feb. 10.
Haggis, a savory pudding made of lamb organs and barley, was the first dish of the night — avoided by some but devoured by many — at the 37th annual...
