Happy holidays to our readers. We are this week’s editors of Sophomores Speak Out, and we have an interesting range of topics for you. We worked on...
Brazilian Retreat Immigration is a main topic for discussion in the presidential debates these days, and with the Vineyard’s own substantial...
Death by Committee The idea of forming a special commission on agriculture for the Vineyard is on the table for discussion, and while the concept...
Homemade From the Heart Retailers expect Americans to plunk down nearly five hundred billion dollars this holiday season. Some economists argue...
“What is Hanukah?” the Talmud asks. It is a story about the miracle of oil and light, is the answer. We may ask, however, so what is a miracle? And...
50 Years Ago From the Vineyard Gazette editions of December, 1957:
GREAT POND PROTECTION Editors, Vineyard Gazette:
A copper-white streak across the field, Darting through dunes, power to wield . . . A Brittany spaniel at home on the moors Not of French, but...
In 1932 a small group of Oak Bluffs ladies met to organize a club that would sponsor the homemaking programs of the Dukes County Extension Service...
The Vineyard Gazette can provide an enormous public service in helping to increase understanding and awareness by Island residents about the...
It is early winter in the year 1942. The United States has just been attacked by a foreign power and the annihilation of our Pacific fleet is...
Wise Use at the High School Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School principal Margaret (Peg) Regan is a stand-up person who was forced to make hard...
