By SUSAN B. WHITING There are so many bird sightings this week there is no room for more. So enjoy Lanny’s photograph of a ruddy turnstone (and...
An emaciated juvenile bald eagle is getting special care and eating well on the Island after being captured on Chappaquiddick on Saturday, August...
I may have to change the name of this column to the raptor report. Great excitement on Chappaquiddick, first the Fowle family observed four merlins...
Laura Campbell of Rainbow Farm asked with concern about her barn swallows. For years they have had numerous pairs of barn swallows nesting in their...
An update is the first order of business. The pair of merlins that were seen on Chappaquiddick in late June and early July has caused quite a stir...
There are three people that I consider osprey men: Rob Bierregaard, Gus Ben David and Tim Baird. On Tuesday night, Rob gave a talk about ospreys....