Forty years after its release, Jaws remains a treasured part of Island history. A look back on the summer Hollywood filmmakers descended on the...
The Strand movie theatre in Oak Bluffs, shuttered since 2011, will have its grand reopening this weekend. On Friday night there will be an invitation...
In light of public concerns that emerged last year, the Chilmark housing committee has revised its applications and other guidelines related to...
The Holmes Hole Sailing Association begins another season, striking a balance of hot competition and warm friendship. Every Thursday evening and...
The town of Aquinnah will seek a cultural designation for the area around Aquinnah Circle, including the Gay Head Light, from the Massachusetts...
Fifteen acres of town-owned conservation land on the woodsy banks of the Lagoon Pond is now open to the public for exploration. On Sunday June 28,...
The fourth annual Pink & Green festival sponsored by the The Edgartown Board of Trade will take place May 8 through May 10.
Auditions for Island Theatre Workshop’s summer musical The King and I take place this weekend.
What’s Written Within, an improvisation, modern dance company, will be performing at the Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Center on Sunday, April 19, at 4 p...