Timothy, Charles and Duane, or TCD as the group is best known to its contemporary musical audience, will give its second annual Christmas show in three performances this weekend at the Katharine Cornell Memorial Theatre in Tisbury. Show time begins at 8:30 Friday and Saturday evenings. A special matinee performance for Island children will be given at 2:30 p.m. on Saturday.

Charles Esposito of the group said, “Santa Clause will be part of the show.” Mr. Clause is expected to play a central role in the matinee show Saturday.

The group will donate all of its proceeds to the Martha’s Vineyard Performing Arts Center. A steering committee of Island musicians, dancers and theatre people formed last month to begin study plans for a separate Vineyard Theatre.

“Groups are limited in places they can play besides the Cornell Theatre,” said Mr. Esposito. “School gymnasiums are terrible acoustically and a performing arts center would benefit musicians, dancers and players who want to perform before larger audiences. It would also encourage off-Island groups to play on the Vineyard.”

TCD will be joined by other Island musicians. Nancy Rogers will play the cello, and Mark Campos, Jeff Grey and Sam Carroll, three high school horn players, will perform. Ellen Epstein will sing and play the recorder. Lizard Electronics will assemble the sound system for all three shows.

The group will play original compositions by Mr. Esposito. “There will be varied instrumentals, some comedy and different routines with a lot of vocals,” the composer said. More explicit details of the show would spoil the excitement, he added.

Tickets will be available at the door.