The shop and studio of the Mosher Photo Service opened at its new location on Main street in Vineyard Haven on Monday morning. This building, almost across the street from the Vineyard Vendor, is sometimes known as the shoe shop building from having been occupied for years by a shoe repairing business. Now, remodeled throughout to provide a camera shop in the front portion and a studio in the rear, it presents an extremely attractive appearance.
Attractive Interior
Decorated with blue and white, the interior is pleasing to the eye and conveniently furnished as the fixtures and shelving. It is separated from the studio by a short corridor. The studio is decorated in the same fine colors, and the whole is by far the finest establishment of its kind that the village has had.
For the present it will be in charge of Mrs. A. Freeman Leonard and Mrs. Lorraine Armitage.
Needless to say, th established was the scene of much bustling on Monday, with half the village turning out for the first look.