The Cottagers Club, a charitable organization now well entrenched in its second active year, held its final meeting of the season at the home of Mrs. Alfred Tynes of Boston, where officers were elected for the summer of ‘58.
The new president, Mrs. John Goldsberry of Worcester, succeeds the retiring president, Mrs. James K. Smith of Columbus, Ohio. Mrs. Smith is one of the founders of the Cottagers, and was largely instrumental in steering its growth into a working group, with a serious interest in Island affairs. A rising vote of thanks was given Mrs. Smith in the membership’s spontaneous wish to show its appreciation of her fine leadership.
Mrs. Goldsberry is a clubwoman of several years standing and the Cottagers feel sanguine of the efficacy of their choice. Her acceptance speech pledged her support of their aims and her willingness to give her best efforts to their attainment.
Other officers elected or reelected were: Mrs. Wilmer Lucas of New York as financial secretary; Mrs. Lylburn Downing of Roanoke, Va., as recording secretary, and Mrs. Edward Howard of New York as corresponding secretary.
With its membership tax, its participation in the Hospital Auxiliary’s annual bazaar, and its raffle of an exquisite stole, handmade by one of its members, Mrs. Tynes, the Cottagers’ charitable contributions this summer were $480 to the hospital and $75 to the Foote Memorial.
As its closing event The Cottagers held a coffee hour, a gay and purely social hour, for members and their friends, at the waterfront home of Dr. and Mrs. Earl Patterson. Assisting as hostesses were Mrs. Wilmer Lucas, Mrs. Joseph Pierce, Mrs. Frank Turner and Mrs. Thomas Williams.
D. West