Miss Jeanne Brown Selected at Dance, Wins Loving Cup

The annual derby dance, which is a part of the opening of the striped bass derby, was held at the Tisbury school auditorium on Friday night, bringing out a gratifyingly large crowd and a brand new class of con­testants for the various prizes offered. Manny Silva’s orchestra pleased the dancers, and the committee, headed by Clifford Luce, went to consider­able lengths to make the event enjoyable.
Theodore C. Howes led the grand march, and Carlton Staples and Mrs. Clifford Luce were the leading cou­ple. The derby queen, chosen after long elimination, was Miss Jeanne Brown, 17, a senior in the Oak Bluffs High School and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brown.
Miss Brown was presented with a tall silver loving cup, suitably in­scribed and donated by George and Walter Woods. The cup was pre­sented by Carlton Staples, president of the Martha’s Vineyard Rod and Gun Club, which sponsors the bass derby. Her official sash was pre­sented by Towar B. Bates, chairman of the derby committee, and a bou­quet was also given her by the chair­man of the dance committee, Mr. Luce.
Tisbury School
The prize waltz was won by Sidney Gordon and Miss Ella. Smith, of Oak Bluffs, and the prize jitterbugs were Miss Susan Frye of Oak Bluffs and Peter Mories of Vineyard Haven.
The door prize, a rod, was won by Mrs. Clifford Kelley of Edgartown.