The Gazette announces this week the opening of a Vineyard Haven office.
For a great many years this newspaper has carried under the heading on its front page these words: “Devoted to the interests of the six towns on the island of Martha’s Vineyard.”
In short the Gazette has always been an island newspaper, devoted to the interests of Martha’s Vineyard. Now this purpose may be made more real through active representation in Vineyard Haven.
Miss Hope R. Mayhew will represent the Gazette. The Gazette’s Vineyard Haven headquarters will be on Main Street at the foot of Church, in the office of Mr. Bartlett Mayhew. This building has been traditionally the center of a great many town activities from the years when it was Walter H. Renear’s livery stable up to the present when it is the home of Mr. Mayhew’s business.
Miss Mayhew will receive subscriptions to this newspaper and will be the Gazette’s advertising agent. She is authorized to act for the Gazette.
We bespeak the good will of all Vineyarders for this step forward, and particularly for the Gazette’s representative in Vineyard Haven.