I have returned, myself and one or two more of us, as well as a number of others who are not “of us.” The first thing of course, on arriving, was to secure a good room, and I rather plume myself on having gotten one of the best in the hotel, of which, by the way, I will attempt a brief description. The building is situated on the bluff at the head of the landing, and is about 125 feet front in the whole. It may be divided, for the purpose of description, into three sections: the north and south sections, which are an octagon and a quadrilateral respectively, running up into towers of elaborate design and exquisite finish; these two sections are distinct at the base, but meet by the prolongation of their second stories over an arch-way which affords a drive way from the landing thirty feet wide. The roof of this middle portion is flat, and being fitted with balustrades and an awning, serves for a ball-room promenade, &c. The north end contains on its first floor the dining room, office and an extensive kitchen. On the second floor are the parlor, several private dining rooms and some lodging rooms. On the next floor is the billiard room and more lodging rooms above. The middle and south sections are devoted to lodging rooms, with the exception of a small parlor and, at present, the office of the Katama Land Co. on the first floor of the latter. The principal parlor is splendidly furnished in black walnut and plush, with heavy Brussells carpet. The billiard room is provided with two elegant tables, and is furnished as tastefully as a lady’s boudoir. Many of the lodging rooms furnished with black walnut sets with marble trimmings, others with chestnut. The exterior of the building is quite fanciful in design and very pleasing in effect. The whole house is well gotten up, and elegant and tasteful in all its appointments.
The “Lodge” was opened to the public last Saturday, and the occasion celebrated with proper observances. All day long carriages from Oak Bluffs and vicinity discharged their living loads at the entrance, and in the afternoon the steamer brought down Carter’s band and a crowd of guests from abroad. In the evening there was a grand ball in honor of the event, which proved as enjoyable as good music so romantic a ball-room and an elegant supper could make it. I learn that the band will remain for the season.
It is edifying to hear the remarks of new-comers as they sally forth from their rooms in the cool and freshness of the morning after their arrival and note the preponderance of interjections and interjaculatory phrases. The “Oh’s” and “Ah’s,” the “Magnificent’s” and “Enchanting’s,” sufficiently indicate the supreme satisfaction and ineffable content which possess the minds of the speakers. And not without reason, for a more charming prospect never was seen from window or balcony, than unfolds itself to the eye of the dweller on this loveliest spot of the Vineyard.
The promenade above referred to is a grand place for the enjoyment of a newspaper and cigar, only you don’t want to take more than a weekly, as that will be as much as you can manage properly. I went up there this morning, lit a cigar, opened my paper, and prepared to enjoy the breeze, the latest news, and my Havana, all at once, I had got as far as a “crisis” in a couple of European Cabinets, when a slight noise on the water attracted my attention, and looking out I saw a fisherman just casting anchor. I watched him till he had caught a hundred and seventeen scup, and then resumed my reading. Hardly a minute had elapsed however, before there was another noise, this time a splashing and dashing, and looking down from my elevation I espied an immense school of bluefish which had pursued a company of smaller fry almost to the very shore, and were throwing their glittering lengths clear out of the water in their agony to put themselves outside of some of the little chaps. Next a school of porpoises went leaping by, with their rush and roar and wonderfully regular rise and fall, and close behind them a boat’s crew armed with guns, lances &c; and I threw down my paper and gave myself entirely to bluefish and porpoises and wheeling gulls and passing sails, and found them much more interesting than New York murders or European politics.
The dredger is burrowing its way like a huge mole into the beach, and seems to be making considerable progress. The time that will be required to complete the work is variously estimated at from two months to a year.