Every fall, the island of Martha's Vineyard is seized by fish fever as one of the East Coast’s best known saltwater fishing tournaments gets underway. Started in 1946 as a promotional event and run since 1987 by a non-profit organization composed largely of local fishermen, the Martha's Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby attracts anglers from all over the world.


This Saturday, the Martha’s Vineyard Surfcasters Association hosts its annual used tackle sale. All proceeds support scholarships for Island students.
At the 79th annual iteration of the derby, which runs from Sept. 15 to Oct. 19, false albacore will be eligible for daily awards and daily prize money is going up.  
Island recreational fishermen gathered to celebrate the end of the 78th annual Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby. Over the course of the five week-long competition, 2,999 contestants submitted more than 17,000 pounds of bluefish, bonito and false albacore to derby headquarters.
The 78th annual Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby draws to a close with the final bell ringing on Saturday evening. The awards presentation takes place Sunday at Farm Neck Golf Club, beginning at 11 a.m.