Whatever the Outcome is both an end result and a process. It’s the art of creation as much as the finished product. Craig Minor is listed as the...

It’s a celebration of all things Scottish at the Martha’s Vineyard Scottish Society’s annual Burns Nicht celebration, Saturday, Jan. 24, at the...

On Sunday, Feb. 1, at the Unitarian Universalist Society of Martha’s Vineyard, Lucy Hackney will talk about her personal friendship with Rosa Parks.

On Saturday, Jan. 24, the IMP improv group will perform a show at Alex’s Place at the YMCA at 7 p.m. Anyone getting bitten by the improv bug can then...

The YMCA of Martha’s Vineyard becomes the place to be for the younger set this winter when its combines forces with the Yard for a dance program and...

A place for everything and everything in its place may be the perfect saying for January as Kim D’Arcy and Organize MV hosts a workshop entitled...


Arts Briefs

Island musician Andy Herr is teaching free guitar and ukulele classes online in April, sponsored by the West Tisbury Library.

An online gathering of sci-fi readers begins with short story The Kite Makers, by Brenda Peynado, on March 30.

Tonight at 9 p.m. on the Food Network, the Martha's Vineyard Lunch Ladies head to San Diego in the Great Food Truck Race.
