The quietest week on the Vineyard approaches. The one where nearly everyone with a child runs off-Island to take advantage of the winter school break...
It’s snowy, cold and still getting dark early. Not great for a trip to the beach, but perfect weather for poetry.
While it may seem like spring is a long way off, nature isn’t always in the habit of waiting for the sun to shine. Out at the Farm Institute the baby...
The Martha’s Vineyard Center for the Visual Arts will accept grant applications from Island artists until April 1.
Because of the weather forecast, the West Tisbruy Congregational Church has canceled its fifth annual Mardi Gras pancake supper and party that was...
The Wicked Winter Cabaret warms the heart with Love & Valentines, showcasing the talents of Molly Conole, Shelagh Hackett, Paul Munafo and Ken...
It's Jane Eyre in February and Middlemarch all March with the Martha's Vineyard Library Association's online book group.
The West Tisbury Library received a five-star rating and the Edgartown Library received three stars from Library Journal.
Island cartoonist Paul Karasik, known for his work in the New Yorker and the Vineyard Gazette, teaches a weekly comics workshop online beginning Jan...