On a recent spring-like afternoon in downtown Chilmark, as the Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival staff walked from their offices on South Road to the...

Late last week, Dreamland in Oak Bluffs opened as Loft at Dreamland, an year-round adult game room and bar.

The title of John Hough Jr.’s latest book is quite specific — The Fiction Writer’s Guide to Dialogue.

In America's earliest years, the waters surrounding the young country were vulnerable to foreign invasion, principally by the British Navy.

Dad’s a drunk named Bull, brother Jimmy is an ex con dealing heroin, and Cooper Harrison is stepping in a pile of donkey manure on a regular basis as...

The Martha’s Vineyard Film Center will host a special one-time screening of the film Patrick's Day on March 5.


Arts Briefs

The West Tisbury select board voted to allow the inn to seat up to 30 outdoor diners at a time until Oct. 15.

Water taxis will ferry music-lovers from the Vineyard to Falmouth this weekend, according to an announcement from Beach Road Weekend organizers.

Fluent in tap, Lindy Hop, jazz, hip-hop and other social dance forms, LaTasha Barnes and Caleb Teicher gave a virtual workshop and a concert Saturday...
