There is not much to tell of the queer narrative of the winged angel who visited Lambert’s Cove once and has never been seen there since.
This story did not actually take place on the Vineyard, but its actors were Vineyard people and it has a simple explanation which makes it, at least...
To the Editor of the Vineyard Gazette:
“I once heard my mother tell of a man who was driving a yoke of oxen home through the woods behind Ram’s Hill. He had been at work all day and was in...
Representatives of the Vineyard Libraries met at the Oak Bluffs Library on April 21st for the purpose of forming a collection of Vineyard literature...
Near the north shore of the island just inshore from Cedar Tree Neck is what is left of the Crying Swamp. Here today is a small cranberry bog,...
A new printing press is being installed in a new Gazette office. In a few weeks the Gazette will change its headquarters from the old office at the...
It was a few years before the Civil War that the incident here related took place. A large vessel in the lumbor-carrying trade was north-bound from...
These were the last survivors of the Vineyard’s most ambitious project. Of course the right of way is an intangible thing at best to any but the...
Mrs. Henry H. Jernegan was the first woman in Edgartown ever to cast a vote for the President of the United State. Mrs. Jernegan’s ballot dropped...
The vote of Martha’s Vineyard went for Joseph Walsh for congressman, Walter H. Renear for sheriff, and John W. Churchill for state senator in the...
Mrs. Emma W. Terry, daughter of Ulysses E. Mayhew of West Tisbury, was the first woman to cast a vote at the primaries on Martha’s Vineyard.
