Summer is upon us. This year, many more people are already on the Island because of relocation during Covid.
letter to the editor
I am frankly concerned about what I heard when listening to the discussion at the MVC land use planning committee meeting.
letter to the editor
This community can agree on one thing: that the future will bring challenges. Success in facing those challenges will require an acknowledgment that we are, in fact, one Island.
letter to the editor
Oak Bluffs police chief Peter Williamson’s role in the Niantic Park development could have been a story by itself.
letter to the editor


The Martha’s Vineyard Author Series received Island-wide support.

I am writing to express my disappointment with the decision to terminate the lease with Trustees at Katama Farm.

Katama Farm is again in transition.

During the pandemic, the Island Food Pantry has been overwhelmed with requests for food.
