Noah Asimow
Vineyard doctors, allergists and biologists have identified at least a dozen Islanders who have been formally diagnosed with alpha gal syndrome, a largely unstudied new syndrome.
Tick-borne illness


The Martha’s Vineyard tick-borne illness reduction initiative of the Island boards of health has seen significant progress in the past several years. More is needed.

Here is a quick guide to ticks on Martha's Vineyard. For more information about prevention and treatment, the Martha's Vineyard Boards of Health has an informative website on tickborne illness.


This year’s deer hunting season has begun, and many options are being considered for how to lessen the impact of the continuing infestation of deer ticks on Martha’s Vineyard.

A post-summer report says tick populations are up, especially the newest species of disease-carrying arachnid to invade Martha’s Vineyard: the lone star tick.

Lone star tick nymphs and adults are spreading and increasing in numbers, data from the MV Tick Programs 2018 yard surveys shows.

With tick-borne diseases a growing matter of public health concern on the Vineyard, education and prevention are more important than ever, a leading expert said.
