solar panels cronigs
Peter Brannen
Summer shoppers seeking shade may be able to do so this summer while powering up. Vineyard Power hopes to install a 12,200 square foot array of solar panels over the Vineyard Haven Cronig’s parking lot. The array, which will supply a quarter of the store’s energy needs, is made up of three “solar canopies,” which will also feature six electric car charging stations.
Cronigs Market
Solar panels
Vineyard Power
Cronigs Market Celebrates 100 Years


A plan by the Oak Bluffs water district to build a solar array off Barnes Road has been downsized, but continues to draw heat from ecologists who oppose removing a large swath of old-growth forest.

The Oak Bluffs water district hopes to offset costs by developing a three-megawatt solar array off Barnes Road.

In a step toward energy independence and following the success of solar panels at their Vineyard Haven location, Cronig’s Market is planning to install a nearly $2 million solar canopy at its up-Island location.

Tisbury selectmen considered the possibility of building a solar car canopy in town.


West Tisbury inaugurated a new three-acre solar array at the capped landfill on Tuesday, but the installation has been up and running since January.


The sun was absent from the gathering, but celebrated nonetheless on Tuesday afternoon as the town of Tisbury dedicated its first solar array. The 1.2 megawatt project is tucked away behind the park and ride lot.
