Sengekontacket Pond has been closed to shellfishing because of rainfall received earlier this week.

The town of Oak Bluffs has advised that the pond will be closed until at least Monday, August 17.

The state mandates pond closures after heavy rainfall because of run-off from waterfowl and other sources. Red flags fly at both bridges on the pond when it is closed to shellfishing.


Sengekontacket Pond will be closed to shellfishing over the holiday weekend because of rainfall on July 1.

The object of my affection today is the softshell clam, Mya arenaria. With the onset of warmer weather, shellfishing is back on many agendas.


Sengekontacket Pond is closed to shellfishing for five days because of heavy rainfall received Oct. 1.

Sengekontacket Pond remains closed for shellfishing because of rainfall.

Following a lengthy and well-attended public hearing last week, Tisbury shellfish regulations remain largely unchanged.

A minor change in language regarding area closures was easily approved last Tuesday by the selectmen, along with an update to commercial shellfishing regulations that makes them consistent with state laws. The latter change restricts the number of commercial license holders per boat to two.
