After a series of monthly negotiations, the Martha’s Vineyard all-Island school committee has approved a new, three-year contract for superintendent of public schools Richard Smith.

The equity audit and climate survey, which will solicit faculty, parents and students for feedback on school culture and leadership, will go out sometime this April or May. 

Nearly 200 parents attended an Edgartown school committee meeting last week, criticizing the district for a lack of transparency and a pattern of ignoring parental concerns.

This spring, town meeting voters across the Island will see significantly higher proposed school budgets for the next fiscal year, with percentage increases ranging from more than 7 per cent to nearly 12 per cent.


This year’s state-mandated student census, held annually at the start of October, showed a slight dip in enrollment across nearly all Island schools.

After a promising 2022 performance in the first full round of standardized testing since before Covid-19, Martha’s Vineyard public schools now have some catching up to do.
