The Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival is teaming up with several Island groups for a disability film festival next week.
Martha's Vineyard Film Festival
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Each week the folks at Cinema Circus show a series of short films on Wednesday evening at the Chilmark Community Center.

Screams, sobs, gunshots and a terrified whisper — for a few moments Monday night an Island audience heard the sounds of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School under fire.

Twins Hailey and Freya Mayhew share their thoughts on upcoming Cinema Circus offerings.

Following a concentrated blast of movies, music and conversation over a single weekend in March, the Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival is stretching out this summer.

Hilary Dreyer has been promoted to executive director of the Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival.


In its 18th year, the Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival is still finding ways to push boundaries.
