A day with poet, journalist and human rights activist Rose Styron at her home overlooking Vineyard Haven harbor. It begins with bacon.

Gus Ben David considers his yard. There is a pond with two trumpeter swans, two mute swans, a flock of geese and two call ducks. Then there are the giant water tanks containing large snapping turtles.

Superior court clerk Joseph E. Sollitto Jr. is taking names. It is 9 a.m. on a rainy April morning, and 65 jurors are crowded into a basement room at the Edgartown courthouse.


Christine Kinsman, founder and owner of Pie Chicks, learned to bake pies from her mother, who learned it from her grandmother.

Sixty-four of Allen Whiting's 70 years have been spent on his family farm, tucked in the heart of West Tisbury.

It’s 7 a.m. on a warm summer morning and the smell of bacon wafts out the side door of 7a Foods. Chef and owner Dan Sauer stands in front of the stove in jeans, making breakfast sandwich after breakfast sandwich.
