June Manning
As we begin the new year, the skies have been grey and overcast, wih occasional showers, a crisp cold in the air and temperatures dipping into sub-freezing during the night.
Aquinnah Town Column
June Manning
It’s been another week of enjoyable weather. Temperatures reached 80 degrees over the weekend. Beach plum bushes are in full bloom.
Aquinnah Town Column
June Manning
Another beautiful week of warm weather until the rains came and did not stop for several days, leaving nearly three inches for the water table. Nice to see the buttercups blossom following the lawn being mowed.
Aquinnah Town Column


A few moments of snowfall this past week and quite a bit of rain, but the water table is still down and the April showers have been scarce thus far for this month.

There have been grayy skies for most of the past week with fog overhead in Aquinnah for at least three of those days but the forsythia are in bloom.

Daffodils are in full bloom, more songbirds arriving each day, and the herring will be running soon during this long awaited spring.

Spring has truly arrived with the blossoming of daffodils along the byways, the return of osprey to their nests, and the full chorus of pinkletinks.

At last, temperatures are in the mid 50s, more songbirds arrive each day, witch hazel has blossomed — spring has sprung.

The Ides of March have come and gone, leaving us with freezing temperatures once again, a few minutes of snow flurries nearly every day, and awaiting the arrival of spring.
