The district school committee voted Monday to approve a new athletic handbook without requiring same gender chaperones for off-Island games.
A draft policy that would require gender-based chaperoning of sports teams has quickly become a sticky topic for the regional high school committee.
Inadequate conditions at the town school were on full display during a tour this week attended by a large group of town officials.
The regional high school committee this week continued to grapple with how to handle gender-specific chaperoning of sports teams for off-Island...
As legal marijuana use edges closer to the Island’s mainstream, a group of community leaders concerned about potential negative effects on young...
Facing the Worcester Bravehearts, the Vineyard Sharks came up short in the first game of the Future’s League world series.
The Sharks advanced to the Futures League world series Thursday night. Game one against the Worcester Bravehearts is tonight.
Vineyard Montessori will begin offering a year-round program for children aged almost-three to six, the school announced.
Vineyarder and former high school basketball star Erin Hill will join the Yale women’s basketball team next year, one of only four standout first-...
Access to mental health support services is limited at Island public schools despite a growing need, especially among students who face cultural...
It was only a drill when the tactical response team swarmed the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School campus Thursday morning.
Athletes from Vineyard sports teams received honors from the Boston Globe.
