Tensions ran high at the all-Island school committee meeting Thursday, as committee members weighed a proposal to open licensed, community-based...
Thursday marked the first day of school for students across the Island, but this year, backpacks and school buses were traded in for Chromebooks and...
The Tisbury School Building Committee will review new, more detailed designs for the school at the committee's next meeting Monday.
At an emotional meeting Monday, the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School district committee voted to limit fall athletics to on-Island intramural...
After two weeks of closed-door negotiations, the all-Island school committee voted Thursday to approve a memorandum of agreement with the Martha’s...
The up-Island school committee voted Tuesday to approve the public school re-opening plan currently on the table, with two district-specific...
Tisbury Waterways, Inc., has announced more than $6,500 in awards for water quality programs and education.
The Tisbury School building committee will not meet on August 31, with the next meeting expected to be scheduled for mid-September.
The all-Island school committee voted Thursday to approve a newly revised reopening plan for elementary schools that will put younger students back...
Sept. 30 is the new deadline for young artists in kindergarten through 12th grade to enter their work in the Steamship Authority's Sail Into...
The committee agreed this week to accept a proposal for comprehensive testing for Island public schools, with the question of how to pay for it still...
The Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School will begin the school year with a remote curriculum fitted to its mission of project-based and...
