It’s election season and your Island towns need you to be a part of our local government.
Dozens of people have come up to me (and still do) in the year since the Mopeds Are Dangerous Action Committee (MADAC) took up the cause to eliminate...
It was very sad to read of the passing of Edo Potter.
I would like to add to the list of offshore wind benefits that Mike Jacobs of Vineyard Power so aptly cited in his recent commentary.
A lot of people say kids cannot change the world but the Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School is doing it one bucket at a time.
Over the years our school has been trying to save as much food as possible.
Congratulations to the community. Once again you made Christmas possible for more than 300 children.
On Saturday, my friends and I decided to do our small part standing at Five Corners.
The days are getting longer and the first month of 2018 is almost a thing of the past.
The upcoming Proposition 2 1/2 override is the second one asked for by the Oak Bluffs selectmen in the past two years.
Well isn’t this a great way to start the new year. The executive secretary and the board of selectmen of the town of Aquinnah opted to break the...
The article on trees in unlikely places stated that Robert Douglas had seen only one other vessel carrying a tree aloft at Christmas.
