This unique (somewhat old schools) environment finds residents and local leaders being stubborn to change.
Is it any wonder why there are fewer rentals available to help the affordable housing shortage both in and off-season?
I was so delighted that the Strand movie theatre will be restored and the one in Vineyard Haven.
“Everyone is relieved to see reliable proof of spring — blooming magnolias and hyacinths refresh the air and our winter-beaten spirits.”
On behalf of everyone involved with the Big Brothers Big Sisters program on Martha’s Vineyard, I would like to thank you for the excellent article.
I lived in Chilmark in the winter of 1967 to 1968, next door to Charlie Maida, who we became good friends with.
A headline in a recent story in the Gazette read: “Oak Bluffs Finds Stable Financial Footing.”
I am writing today to encourage landscapers and home gardeners to ask for organic plants and flowers when purchasing them this spring.
I’m wondering why after warning women to walk in pairs at the state forest there has been silence from the Edgartown police department.
It was a sad day for me and for my family today, reading the announcement that Dr. Judith Fisher is retiring from her practice.
The Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School Minnesingers enjoyed a successful concert tour to southern Spain.
A recent article about the Island's housing crisis stressed the need for more affordable housing.
