For the second time this week, Chilmark residents confronted increasing demands to reduce personal energy usage when the first proposal for a...
Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Saturday called the Bush administration incompetent, the federal Katrina response an embarrassment and the...
While other towns agonized over their town meetings, Edgartown residents breezed through theirs on Tuesday night, approving a $24 million annual...
New health regulations aimed at reducing groundwater contamination will result in many homeowners in Ocean Heights and Arbutus Park paying tens of...
The four big Island towns will for the first time allocate millions of dollars in community preservation funds at their annual town meetings this...
After a busy week on the floor, Cong. Willliam Delahunt could not refrain from putting his feet up on his desk to rest. "It's been frenetic," he...
It took just 13 minutes for the state of Massachusetts to end more than 80 years of independence for the Martha's Vineyard hospital, and transfer...
The Steamship Authority is expected to impose higher fees and new restrictions on the operations of its main competitor, Hy-Line Cruises, when the...
Just over a decade ago, the Massachusetts state government cut funding for the Dukes County Cooperative Extension Service and forced closure of the...
Cong. William Delahunt describes himself as an eternal optimist. Still, his optimism comes easier now than it did four years ago. Opposition to...
House of Representatives Passes Coast Guard Spending Bill, Eliminating Governor's Veto for Offshore Wind Farms Abandoning what could have been a...
Words and emotions filled the air Monday night, when some 350 people packed the Martha's Vineyard Regional High School Performing Arts Center to air...
