Eumorpha pandorus is an animal with a split personality.
Groundsel tree isn’t shy about waiting for the right time to make an entrance.
It would be difficult to create a better superhero. The green darner dragonfly should have its own comic strip, book and movie deal. Its qualities...
The reign of the water queen is coming to an end.
Abundance is a difficult thing to judge. Changes to the abundance of a particular species are relative to our perception of its abundance when we...
E.B. White found appreciation in even the simplest of life’s tasks.
Don’t be shocked if you see an Atlantic torpedo ray.
It was a somewhat small fish in a big pond. Though measuring just under a foot, this creature would never have to fish for a compliment.
Consider yourself lucky if you are not part of the one per cent.
“Tis not her coldness, father, That chills my labouring breast; It’s that confounded cucumber I’ve ate and can’t digest.”
“Life was simpler when apples and blackberries were only fruit.”
Virgil warned us to be wary of the snake in the grass, but I am suggesting an addition to that advice. Beware of the snake in the water, too!
