Who wins mother of the year? Island school children participated in an essay-writing contest that concluded on Mother’s Day weekend with an...

Kevin Parham’s new book, The Vineyard We Knew, certainly dispels the long-held stereotype that all of we African Americans who inhabit Martha’s...

An effort will be made by Congressman Charles L. Gifford to have the protection of Gay Head cliffs undertaken as one of the projects in the proposed...

In the Gazette issue of May 2, the editorial Lines in the Sand refers to the public beach at Squibnocket, and to public beachfront. The use of the...

We applaud Stop & Shop’s decision this week to withdraw its proposal to expand the Vineyard Haven store. In a statement delivered to the Martha’s...

It took the town of Oak Bluffs forty years to accept what the Centers for Disease Control calls one of the ten great health achievements of the...


Letters to the Editor

I wish to thank the many community members who have created and maintained Hospice of Martha’s Vineyard.

When David Lott wrote his lovely tribute to his mother, who turned 101 on Dec. 13 he did not complicate matters by writing of his grandmother.

I take the gravest possible offense with the word loophole to describe a judge not informing a defendant of the seriousness of their pleas.
