Seventy years ago Saturday, World War II ended with the surrender of Japan. The other day I said to a middle-aged friend, “Saturday is V-J Day.” She...

I never really relax while underway in a sailboat. I’m constantly looking and listening for new sights and sounds.

So now another President of the United States has visited Martha’s Vineyard, bringing the total number to seven. John Adams came in 1760 to visit his...

Every Thursday night when the Vineyard Gazette’s printing press gears up for its weekly performance, the low rumble and shake reaches the newsroom...

Dear Madame First Lady: I am writing today in my present capacity as manager (and past owner) of the Royal and Ancient Chappaquiddick Links.

Jerry Kohlberg was a brilliant man. His incredible intellect never ceased to impress me during the more than 25 years I knew and worked with him.


Letters to the Editor

West Tisbury without the Mill Pond would be like Oak Bluffs without Ocean Park. Crown jewels are precious, protect them.

I took a walk by Tisbury Great Pond at the end of Quansoo Road today. The water and shoreline are choked with green slime.

I am writing to bring attention to the plight of the monarch butterfly and if you enjoy them how you can help.
