I received my first cookbook from a college friend in 1947, a few months before I quit school and married Johnny Mayhew.

The Beatrice House was called the Central House, tents lined the streets of Cottage City and the tabernacle was roofed with canvas.

When President Obama and family depart Martha’s Vineyard on Sunday, it will mark the end of another chapter in Island history.

The message came through on my cell phone just as I settled into my beach chair at Lucy Vincent on Monday.

This is blueberry and huckleberry season, and picking Vineyard berries has long been a favorite pastime of mine.

The illumination of Clinton avenue Saturday night was fully up to the high standard of excellence, established last year.


Letters to the Editor

If Peter Brannen, author of The Ends of the World, writes the way he recorded town meetings, the book will be a best seller.

I am deeply concerned about the sudden and unexplained firing of our hospital CEO Mr. Joseph Woodin.

This note has taken me much too long to write.
