An editor of a national newspaper called me recently to see if I would be interested in writing a piece for them about summer on the Vineyard from a...

I am on an Island off the coast of Massachusetts thinking about my time as a sea cook on tall ships.

The real tick season has started as nymphs of both deer ticks and lone star ticks are out and will be present through July.

From saunter to strut we walk through life, hoofing a dance from time to time. Charlie Chaplin did a duck waddle and Michael Jackson moon-walked.

Aromatic foliage hangs purple Within reach, a lilac branch To honor those who have served

The most touching and significant Memorial Day ceremony is possible only in seashore communities.


Letters to the Editor

I would like to thank everyone for sharing their time, food and friendship at the fundraiser held on my behalf.

The efforts to dredge the Tashmoo channel and repair the dock and ramp at Lake street continue to be a flawed process.

The Lagoon Pond Association board of directors would like to thank the Permanent Endowment Fund for Martha’s Vineyard.
