For the second time this month, Sengekontacket Pond has been closed to shellfishing because of rainfall. The town of Oak Bluffs said the pond was...

Naturalist Gus Ben David has handled everything from gigantic snakes to enormous birds of prey, but the latest creature under his care is less...

The Pied Piper ran aground in Woods Hole passage late Tuesday evening during a private charter cruise with 106 passengers and seven crew members...

On Tuesday morning the new cafe and marketplace Rosewater opened at 20 South Summer street in Edgartown after five months of development. The store...

Samantha White Billings of Oak Bluffs, Erin Marie Gosson of Edgartown, and Michael Frederick Hill of Oak Bluffs, were named to the spring 2015 dean’s...

In the grand tradition of the Vineyard Cup, the forecast for mostly fun, a high probability of good food, and a strong chance of evening music was...


News Briefs

Bread and Puppet Theatre, the legendary troupe from Vermont, is coming to Martha’s Vineyard from May 27 through Sunday May 31.

On Sunday, May 24, from 5 to 7 p.m. there will be a celebration of the life and work of Peggy Freydberg, who died on March 27 at the age of 107.

The Bodhi Path Buddhist Center is hosting a workshop on Tibetan Breathing Yoga with Chumba Lam on Saturday, May 23, and Sunday, May 24.
