No whinnying or stamping came from inside the Flying Horses Carousel on Saturday morning. But the horses were in there waiting for children, as they...

The Chandler Blues Band first cultivated a presence on the Island by playing at Chilmark potluck jams and the Seafood Shanty. Tonight they host a CD...

A petition drive is under way in Vineyard Haven to allow the sale of hard liquor in restaurants that are now restricted to serving beer and wine.

A leading Danish wind energy developer has actively begun planning for a large wind farm south of the Vineyard that could power up to half a million...

The Martha's Vineyard Preservation Trust will convert the old Carnegie library into a heritage center showcasing the trust’s 24 historic properties...

A historic house thought to have been a British headquarters during Grey’s Raid in 1778 may soon be torn down.


News Briefs

PechaKucha Night at the Harbor View Hotel is back on Friday, March 18! And yes, you are excited about it, even if that name is unfamiliar to you.

For years Elliott Dacher MD has hosted meditation classes at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital.

Vineyard Gardens is hosting a Palm Sunday open house on Sunday, March 20, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
