Three new coronavirus cases were reported by Martha’s Vineyard Hospital early Wednesday morning as an Island case surge that began early last week...

Voters in all seven Dukes County towns threw their strong support to Vice President Joe Biden over President Donald Trump. Clarence (Trip) Barnes and...

At a heated meeting Monday, a sharply divided Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School district committee voted 5-4 to approve a hybrid learning plan.

To support conservation and inspire others to do the same, the Wyss Foundation has pledged $1 million in matching funds to create the Squibnocket...

Even a presidential election couldn’t put the pandemic on pause, with Vineyard health officials reporting one new coronavirus case on the Island...

An Islandwide network of devoted poll workers guide the Island electorate through the voting process year after year.


News Briefs

Paloma dos Santos Machado and Feliciano Mauro Filho, of Vineyard Haven, announce the birth of a son, Rafael Machado Feliciano.

Elia Akti LLC purchased 30 Litchfield Road in Edgartown from Richard M. Ezequelle TRS and Marcia K. Ezequelle TRS for $3,425,000 on March 12.

Poor Cloud, his adoption fell through. Cloud came to us with his housemates, including Summer.
