Craig and Christine Clayburn of North Tonawanda, N.Y. announce the birth of a son, Jacob Aiden Clayburn, born Feb. 3.

With support from officials, a group of residents will get out their shovels and widen a channel between James Pond and Vineyard Sound.

Nevin Wallace represented Martha’s Vineyard’s indoor track team last weekend at the All State tournament.

Hannah b, the women’s clothing store owned by Patty Culkins, is closing shop with a blowout sale this weekend. Ms. Culkins and her husband have been...

More details emerged last week surrounding a plan by the Martha’s Vineyard Refuse District to expand its central transfer station. The plan has drawn...

The junior standout and cocaptain of the girls’ basketball team scored her thousandth point last weekend.


News Briefs

A European energy company hopes to return to Chilmark next month to present more details about its plans south of the Vineyard.

Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank has donated $5,000 to the Oak Bluffs Firemen’s Civic Association to purchase weight-training equipment for a new...

Edgartown selectmen voted to impose a permanent restraint order for a dog involved in an incident outside a home in December.
