It’s school vacation week, which sets the dial to serious quiet mode around the Island. But there is still plenty to do for those who remain. Consider it this way: there’s a full moon, its Leap Year week, and there won’t be a line anywhere. What could be better?

On Friday, embrace the full moon with an owl prowl at Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary. The show starts at 6 p.m. with a stroll around the grounds to become one with the owls.

On Saturday, it’s back outside to be with the Beach Befrienders who are heading to the Vineyard Haven waterfront at 2 p.m. to give it some love. It’s community clean living at its best, giving back to the shoreline by picking up trash. Meet at Owen Park Beach.

For those more inclined to indoor activity, the Oscar-nominated shorts are playing at the Film Center in Vineyard Haven all weekend: live action films on Saturday at 4 p.m. and animated shorts on Sunday at 1 p.m.

Heading up-Island, on Sunday at the Agricultural Hall in West Tisbury

Matthew Dix of North Tabor Farm leads a workshop on backyard mushroom growing. The class focuses primarily on shiitake mushrooms, but will also address oyster and winecap mushroom cultivation. Each workshop participant gets their own shiitake log to harvest.

All through the week, from Monday to Friday, the West Tisbury Library his offering free soup and bread for lunch. The meals are from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. with the soup provided by Chef Deon from the VFW. For more information email

And finally, it’s time to start making plans for Feb. 29. The options are limitless, really, when considering the gift of an extra day. One possibility is to head to the Edgartown Library at 6 p.m. for a screening of Casablanca. The connection to Leap Year? Not a thing, but any excuse to spend time with Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman is a good one.