It’s Leap Year, that wonderful curiosity of adding a day to the end of February so that its diminutive size bulks up a bit to 29, nearing the big 30 or 31 of all the other months.

Does February ever feel less than whole during those other years? Who’s to say, as months are wordless wonders, and yet talk they do, especially winter ones, in crescendos of wind and snow and icy chill.

So how to take notice of this Leap Year, other than simply marveling at the extra day and those who were born on Leap Years and carry with them two ages: one a direct sequence of years, the other a multiple of four: ages 16 and 4, 80 and 20, and so on.

Featherstone Center of the Arts has a solution, with an exhibit called Love Laugh Leap Live! which opens their 2024 season. The leap is for Leap Year, the love for Valentine’s Day. Laughing and living are byproducts of both.

The show opens Sunday, Feb. 4, with a reception from 4 to 6 p.m., and continues through March 3.

Featherstone quotes Ralph Waldo Emerson on its website to further the call: “We are very near to greatness: one step and we are safe; can we not take the leap?”
